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作者:修宗谊,韩 露,谷天祥,谷春久,阎德民,章志伟
【摘要】 目的 总结成人主动脉瓣人工机械瓣膜置换手术的经验。方法 1996年1月~2005年1月对19例成人小主动脉瓣环患者行人工主动脉瓣置换。其中13例行瓣膜侧倾缝合置换主动脉瓣膜;6例进行主动脉瓣瓣环加宽。结果 治愈17例(89.47%),死亡2 例(10.53%)。结论 对主动脉瓣疾病行人工机械瓣瓣膜置换手术术前充分估计瓣环大小,术中良好的灌注、心肌保护、选择合适瓣膜和恰当手术方法,可降低死亡率。
【关键词】主动脉瓣; 人工机械瓣; 瓣膜置换
Clinical analysis of valvular replacement in adults with stenotic aortic annulus
【Abstract】 Objective The aim of this study is to sum up the experience of artificial mechanical aortic valve replacement in adults.Methods From Jan 1996 to Jan 2005, 19 patients aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis in patients with small aortic root,13 mechanical prosthetic valves were implanted at an angle of inclination and aortic root enlargement procedures had been performed in 6 patients.Results 17 patients discharged from the hospital in good condition after operations and 2 patients died. The mortality is 10.53%.Conclusion With regard to mechanical prosthetic aortic valve replacement, evaluating the diameters of aortic annulus fully before operation, sufficient myocardial perfusion and protection during operation, and choosing appropriate type valve and operative procedure could reduce the mortality.
【Key words】 aortic valve; artificial mechanical valve; valvular replacement