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【关键词】 胎儿;肾脏畸形;超声诊断
[摘要] 目的:探讨超声诊断胎儿肾发育畸形的检查方法、声像图特征和临床意义。方法:从孕期超声检查的近3万名孕妇中共检出53例胎儿肾发育畸形,对检出结果进行分析。结果:各种胎儿肾畸形的声像图特征不同。本组胎儿肾畸形:肾积水27例,多囊肾3例,多房性肾囊性变8例,孤立性肾囊肿1例,肾发育不良7例,肾不发育5例,异位肾2例。结论:超声检查可发现多种胎儿肾发育畸形,是一种良好的产前诊断方法。
[关键词] 胎儿;肾脏畸形;超声诊断
Embryo Kidney Growth the Super Voice of the Abnormal Diagnosis Value
Abstract: Objective Inquiry into a super voice diagnosis an embryo's kidney to develop an abnormality check method, voice to be like diagram characteristic and clinical meaning. Method Check 53 embryo of kidney growth abnormal totally from theexpect a super voice 30,000 near pregnant womans for checking, carry on analysis towards checking as a result. Result The voice of various embryo kidney abnormal is like a diagram characteristic a dissimilarity.This embryo's kidney abnormal:The kidney accumulates water 27, many bag kidney is 3, having another the building scrotum to change 8, the isolation scrotum is swollen 1, kidney growth is bad 7, the kidney doesn't develop 5, the different kidney is 2. Conclusion The super voice check can discover various embryo kidney growth abnormal, is a kind of good prenatal period to diagnose a method.
Key words: Embryo; Kidney abnormal; The super voice diagnoses
1 资料与方法
中晚期妊娠妇女53例,其中1例为双胎妊娠,余52例为单胎妊娠。孕妇平均年龄(28.3±2.99)岁,平均孕周(28.9±5.66)周。使用GE公司LOGIQ400MR型彩超,凸阵探头,使用频率3.5 MHz~7.0 MHz。孕妇取仰卧位,必要时可取侧卧位,常规观察胎儿躯体、胎盘及羊水状况,根据胎方位确认胎儿左右肾,详细观察肾脏位置、大小、形态和内部结构,输尿管有无扩张,膀胱是否充盈等。异常图像用录像机记录或视频打印机打印。