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【摘要】 目的 观察五福心脑清对多发性脑梗死大鼠的保护作用。方法 采用同种大鼠自然干燥血凝块颈内动脉注入制备多发性脑梗死性痴呆大鼠模型,测定多发性脑梗死大鼠血清SOD、MDA的含量,观察脑组织形态学改变。结果 模型组血清SOD的含量下降,MDA的含量增高;复方丹参滴丸和五福心脑清各剂量组均可增高SOD的含量,降低MDA的含量。五福心脑清可减轻多发性脑梗死大鼠脑组织形态学改变。结论 五福心脑清对多发性脑梗死性痴呆大鼠模型具有保护作用。
【关键词】 五福心脑清;多发脑梗死性痴呆;SOD;MDA
Effect of WuFuXinNaoQing on cerebral multi-infarction dementia rat model
【Abstract】 Objective To study the protective effects of WU FU XIN NAO QING on cerebral multi-infarction dementia(MID) rat model. Methods The multi-infarction dementia model was induced by injecting cruor embolus of the same kind rats into the internal carotid artery. The SOD and MDA of serum was measured. And the pathology of brain was observed. Results Compared with the control group,the content of SOD in serum of the multi-infarction dementia rats was reduced,the content of MDA was increased.FuFangDanShenDiWan and WuFuXinNaoQing can reverse the content of them. Moreover, the morphology demonstrated that FuFangDanShenDiWan and WuFuXinNaoQing can decrease the pathological destroy of the brain. Conclusion The results of this study suggest that WuFuXin NaoQing have protective effects on multi-infarction dementia rat model.
【Key words】 WuFuXinNaoQing; cerebral multi-infarction dementia; SOD;MDA
血管性痴呆是一系列脑血管因素导致脑组织损害而产生的痴呆症状的总称。在血管性痴呆中,以多发梗死性痴呆(MID)发病率最高,且有不断增高的趋势。MID是由于反复多次脑缺血发作,或多发性脑梗死、或一次严重的脑血管病引起的智能减退。由于患者的生活能力下降,严重威胁着老年人的健康和生存质量,给家庭和社会造成了巨大负担, 随着血管性痴呆的发病率绝对及相对地增多,使血管性痴呆的防治研究具有实际应用前景。五福心脑清由精制红花油、冰片等组成,具有活血化瘀、通络开痹等功效。故本实验通过用大鼠自体血栓造成的多发性脑梗死模型,观察五福心脑清对此模型的保护作用。