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作者;王意如 刘世坤 刘玉兰 彭小芝
关键词 环孢素A;肾移植;血药浓度监测;治疗窗.
Clinical research of CsA -C2 therapeutic window concentration in renal transplant recipients
WANG Yiru,LIU Shikun,LIU Yulan,PENG Xiaozhi(The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University,Changsha 410013)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To search for the proper therapeutic window concentration of CsA in Chinese renal transplant recipients. METHODS: The concentration of CsA 2 hours after its oral administration was determined by FPIA method and analysised by the use of specific monoclone reagent kits. RESULTS:The ideal satisfactory immunosuppressive CsA- C2 was found as follows:The CsA- C2 was 1274.51±271.25ng/ml within the first month after transplantation,1328.59±197.25ng/ml in the second month,1117.05±182.46ng/ml in the third month and within the range of 964.07±136.52ng/ml four months latter. CONCLUSION:The above mentioned range of therapeutic window concentration of CsA- C2 was claimed to be ideal for Chinese renal transplant recipients with no marked toxic effects to the liver and kidney.
KEY WORDS: Cyclosporine A;renal transplantation; therapeutic drug monitoring.
CsA是一种高效免疫抑制剂。自80年代上市以来,广泛应用于各种器官移植患者的抗排异反应及自身免疫性疾病的治疗,临床疗效显著。但由于其治疗窗窄,生物利用度和药代动力学个体差异大,又有一定的肝、肾毒性。因此,人们通过监测治疗过程中的血药浓度以使CsA能发挥最大疗效和最大限度地减轻其毒性。近年来国外研究表明CsA峰值(C2)较C0 与AUC更为相关 。我院也发现CsA峰值(C2)能更好的指导临床用药。本文通过对58例肾移植患者监测分析C2水平656例次,初步探讨在中国人群中C2监测法的临床意义和治疗窗范围。