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2013-09-01 01:01
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,奥迪A6发动机装配夹具设计在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 奥迪





Audi A6 Engine Sectional Fixture Design


This article through the reference related engine sectional fixture structure, in had understood engine and transmission gearbox (mainly for automatic transmission) the basic structure, in the principle situation, has carried on the structural design to the Audi A6 engine sectional fixture and examined its intensity. Not only this jig is suitable for the Audi A6 engine, moreover is suitable for the different vehicle each kind of model engine. The attire clamps after the engine, may cause the engine revolving random angle through the rocking handle and lock. This article designs jig foothold structure simple, ease of operation, cost low status. The equipment has four wheels may cause the jig free migration, in order to carries on the work in the different place. It mainly uses in the motor car engine repair shop, also available carries on the engine assembly in the manufacturer.

Keywords: Engine, transmission gearbox, automatic transmission, sectional fixture, Audi A6 engine


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