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2013-09-21 01:57
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,旋转运动柔性梁实验平台运动控制系统设计论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 旋转

摘  要
本文主要讨论了旋转运动柔性梁实验平台机械系统和控制系统的设计。对于机械部分,组建了实验平台总体结构,进行了支架的设计,并将旋转轴和安装盘设计成1体。在控制部分,简略介绍了振动控制系统的硬件构成,详细介绍了运动控制系统的硬件和软件设计。在运动控制系统硬件部分,主控机采用PC机,选用交流伺服电机,并用DSP运动控制卡将其与计算机连接。运动控制卡采用PID控制原理、面向控制轴的命令并使柔性梁运行于T曲线模式。在运动控制系统软件部分采用Microsoft公司的Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0应用程序作为开发工具。并绘制了运动控制程序流程图,阐明了程序的原理。最后通过机械和控制系统集成,实现运动控制信号和振动控制信号的共享,完成柔性梁的精确定位和振动控制。

关键词:柔性多体动力学;柔性梁;运动控制;PID控制; DSP
The motion control system design of experiment platform
for the rotating flexible beam
Abstract:Flexible manipulator has been the most direct application for flexible multi-body system dynamics analysis and control theory.Because of it had simple physical model and easy to computer models and physical tests to achieve the characteristics, it has become a key subject of  the development of the next generation robot, and aviation and aerospace technology.
   This paper discusses the machinery and the control system design of the flexible beam experiment platform. In mechanical parts, formed a platform structure.The stent designed, rotation axis and installation disk designed into one. In Control part, briefly introduces the vibration control system hardware, introduces the movement of the control system hardware and software design carefully . In hardware part of the control system, using PC 、AC servo motor and DSP Motion Control Card to connect the two. Using PID control principles, the axis-oriented control orders enable flexible beam running on the T-curve model. In part of system software using Microsoft software companies  Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 application as development tool. And then painted the main computer control procedures frame, clarifying the principles of the program. At last, through machinery and control systems integration, the signal of motion control and vibration control shared each other. And then the flexible beam got precision position and vibration controlled in time.

Keywords: Flexible multi-body dynamics  Flexible beam  Motion control;


PID control  Digital signal processors


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