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[Abstract] This paper centers on the lovers conflicts among (4)

2013-07-24 01:05
导读:And you will always love him? As long as I live Here comes, the first hint for revenge. While Dantes believes so much that as long as Mercedes lives, she will not marry others but him. However, Merced

 “And you will always love him?”
“As long as I live”
Here comes, the first hint for revenge. While Dantes believes so much that as long as Mercedes lives, she will not marry others but him. However, Mercedes marries Mondego. There is no choice but revenge for a man knew his most reliable fiancée married his enemy ­---- Mondego. It is the enemy who put him into prison for fourteen years. However, when Dantes first meets Mondego, he does not realize that Mondego considers him as his enemy. “I did not know, when I came with such haste to you, that I was to meet an enemy here.”
As we all know, an enemy always comes with killing. That is revenge, when two men love the same woman, there is nothing but a duel. Love no matter it is pure or deep, has become a last straw for the revenge in the future.
4.2 The revenge of love
After fourteen years, Dantes comes out of prison. The first thing Dantes wants to know is about his fiancée as well as his father. By contrary, when Dantes pretends to be an abbe and goes to Caderousse’s inner to inquiry about what he wants to know, he intently emphasizes that "he" (the abbe) has forgotten what Dantes call her lover. 
"Mercedes" cried Caderousse eagerly. 
What does Dantes want to cover? How can he forget his betrothed name? That’s owe to suspicion, suspicion for everything .Due to his true honesty to this world, Dantes has been in prison for fourteen years. After his father’s death, there is only Mercedes who Dantes deeply believes in. He hesitates and is keen to knowing what has happened to Mercedes. In the end, he gets the answer that Mercedes has not waited for his coming. So there is noting he values in the world. Revenge is the only reason for his existence. [9] Here comes the force running the revenge of love.
Time flies. After twenty-four years, Dantes finally gets to meet Mercedes again because of her son, who is one part of Dantes plan of revenge. That day "the count bowed again, but lower than before; he was even paler than Mercedes"But when Mercedes (the countess) said:"We shall have this pleasure to meet the Count of Monte Cristo another time. You promise that?" Monte Cristo inclines himself without answering, but the gesture might pass for assent. How can Dantes be so calm to his forever lover’s invitation? It is the most exiting thing for Dantes before he is put into prison. The reason is disloyalty, which causes him to take revenge. Even his former betrothed lover can not change his ideas. It is his former lover. (科教范文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Soon there comes a second meeting between Dantes and Mercedes. This time Dantes chooses to avoid.
"…But your house is not M. de Morcerfs," murmured Mercedes; "and since he has been here I have watched him."
"Well, he has taken nothing yet."
"The count is very temperate." Mercedes smiled sadly. "Approach him," said she.
Even Mercedes has taken such an initiative, he still gives Mercedes his back. He is afraid to meet Mercedes because he knows that he still loves Mercedes, especially when he has a face with Mercedes. He doesn’t know whether he could let himself under control on facing her. Loving her so deeply only brings him incontrollable hatred due to her disloyalty. As long as Dantes continues to avoid Mercedes, the revenge of love is still on its way.
    Although Dantes is so unwilling to meet Mercedes, he meets her a third time on her son—Albert’s birthday ball and has a dance with Mercedes without making  any resistance when she invites him to have a dance, which indeed comes to be a face-to-face private talk.
"…But," said the countess, breathlessly, with her eyes fixed on Monte Cristo, whose arm she convulsively pressed with both hands, "We are friends, are we not?"
The count became pale as death, the blood rushed to his heart, and then again rising, dyed his cheeks with crimson; his eyes swam like those of a man suddenly dazzled. "Certainly, we are friends," he replied; "why should we not be?" The answer was so little like the one Mercedes desired, that she turned away to give vent to a sigh, which sounded more like a groan."Actually they are lovers but now they become friends. What a great shock to Dantes especially when it is Mercedes who asks such question to him. The more he meets with Mercedes, the more pain he receives. This eventually strengthens his determination to revenge. Thereafter the Count of Monte Cristo’s real name is known by Mercedes through his indirect statements: "…I loved a young girl, was on the point of marrying her, when war came and carried me away. I thought she loved me well enough to wait for me, and even to remain faithful to my memory. When I returned she was married. This is the history of most men who have passed twenty years of age. Perhaps my heart was weaker than the hearts of most men, and I suffered more than they would have done in my place; that is all." The countess stopped for a moment, as if gasping for breath. Although Mercedes has not recognized Edmond Dantes immediately, that day comes sooner or later.
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