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[Abstract] This paper centers on the lovers conflicts among (5)

2013-07-24 01:05
导读:Edmond, you will not kill my son? The count retreated a step, uttered a slight exclamation, and let fall the pistol he held. What name did you pronounce then, Madame de Morcerf? said he. Yours! cried

"…Edmond, you will not kill my son?" The count retreated a step, uttered a slight exclamation, and let fall the pistol he held.
"What name did you pronounce then, Madame de Morcerf?" said he. "Yours!" cried she, throwing back her veil,--"yours, which I alone, perhaps, have not forgotten. Edmond, it is not Madame de Morcerf who is come to you, it is Mercedes."
"Mercedes is dead, Madame," said Monte Cristo; "I know no one now of that name."
"Mercedes lives, sir, and she remembers, for she alone recognized you when she saw you, and even before she saw you, by your voice, Edmond,--by the simple sound of your voice; and from that moment she has followed your steps, watched you, feared you, and she needs not to inquire what hand has dealt the blow which now strikes M. de Morcerf."
Since Mercedes knows who he is, Dantes decides to tell everything to her
"You well know, Madame, was my arrest; but you do not know how long that arrest lasted. You do not know that I remained for fourteen years within a quarter of a league of you, in a dungeon in the Chateau d'If. You do not know that every day of those fourteen years I renewed the vow of vengeance which I had made the first day; and yet I was not aware that you had married Mondego, my calumniator, and that my father had died of hunger!"
"Can it be?" cried Mercédes, shuddering.
"That is what I heard on leaving my prison fourteen years after I had entered it; and that is why, on account of the living Mercédes and my deceased father, I have sworn to revenge myself on Mondego, and--I have revenged myself." 
 "Oh, Mercedes, I have uttered your name with the sigh of melancholy, with the groan of sorrow, with the last effort of despair; I have uttered it when frozen with cold, crouched on the straw in my dungeon; I have uttered it, consumed with heat, rolling on the stone floor of my prison. Mercedes, I must revenge myself, for I suffered fourteen years,--fourteen years I wept, I cursed; now I tell you, Mercedes, I must revenge myself."


"The count, fearing to yield to the entreaties of her he had so ardently loved, called his sufferings to the assistance of his hatred."Revenge yourself, then, Edmond," cried the poor mother; "but let your vengeance fall on the culprits,--on him, on me, but not on my son!"
Since it is revenge taken by a loyal lover—Dantes, to tell everything to his lover—Mercedes is the perfect result for this kind of revenge.
Here is the end of the revenge of love. No brood! But a millions and thousands of hurt to both lovers—Edmond and Mercedes!
5. The salvation of love
After Mercedes has left Monte Cristo, he falls into profound gloom. Around him and within him the flight of thought seems to have stopped; His energetic mind slumbered, as the body does after extreme fatigue.
Since his revenge has come to its perfect end. There is nothing left as his stay of existence. So life for him has no meanings. He has died for one time in his mind. Death is also nothing for his. He is ready for a second death. Someone should appear to save our poor Dantes. It is love that makes Dantes go through such a fate. It is nothing but love itself could help Dantes out of his revenge cycle and death ideas. It is the author who chooses Haydee to perform this role.
When Haydee first appears in the book, Dumas has given an apparent hint for her part to play in the story.
"...and held out his hand to a young woman, completely enveloped in a green silk mantle heavily embroidered with gold. She raised the hand extended towards her to her lips, and kissed it with a mixture of love and respect. Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse. The young woman spoke with an expression of deep tenderness, while the count replied with an air of gentle gravity. Preceded by Ali, who carried a rose-colored flambeau in his hand, the new-comer, who was no other than the lovely Greek who had been Monte Cristo's companion in Italy, was conducted to her apartments, while the count retired to the pavilion reserved for himself. In another hour every light in the house was extinguished."

 Haydee is a saver —Dante’s saver through love.
However, at the beginning Dantes only considers Haydee’s affection for him as love between father and daughter. Only after Haydee’s direct admitment could he realize Haydee’s love a little.
"You are wrong, my lord. The love I have for you is very different from the love I had for my father. My father died, but I did not die. If you were to die, I should die too." The Count, with a smile of profound tenderness, extended his hand, and she carried it to her lips.
What’s more, Haydee also knows she should do in Dantes’ house, which could be a manifesto or beginning of her salvation to Dantes --- her lover!
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