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[Abstract] This paper centers on the lovers conflicts among

2013-07-24 01:05
导读:英语论文论文,[Abstract] This paper centers on the lovers conflicts among 论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: [Abstract] This paper centers on the lover’s conflicts among four protag

[Abstract] This paper centers on the lover’s conflicts among four protagonists --- Edmond Dantes, Fernand Mondego, Mercédes, and Haydee in the book of The Count of Monte Cristo. Through the love story, we can find love plays two different roles ---- a killer and a saver. Dantes’ deep love for Mercedes has made him lose himself in the revenge, because Mercedes does not keep her promise and marries Mondego, who is Dantes’ total personal enemy. While love between Dantes and Haydee helps Dantes get him out of the revenge. Alexandre Dumas has given a new annotation to love.
[Key Words] love; The Count of Monte Cristo; revenge

【摘 要】这篇论文主要讨论《基督山伯爵》中四个主人翁爱德蒙·唐太斯、弗尔南多、美塞苔丝和海黛等情侣之间恋爱所引发的矛盾。我们能够发现爱情在整个爱情故事中扮演了两个截然不同的角色——杀手与拯救者。爱德蒙·唐太斯对美塞苔丝深深的爱使他迷失在复仇的怪圈中不能自拔,因为美塞苔丝没有遵守自己的诺言,嫁给了弗尔南多,而他恰恰是爱德蒙·唐太斯真正意义上的仇人。然而爱德蒙·唐太斯与海黛的爱,帮助他找回自己,走出复仇的怪圈。亚历山大仲马给了爱情一个全新的诠释。
【关键词】 爱情;《基督山伯爵》;复仇

1. Introduction
2. Context
2.1 Plot overview
2.2 Context on the author
2.3 The origin of the story of The Count of Monte Cristo
3. Introduction of the lovers’ relationship
4. The devastation of love
4.1 Love–the last straw of revenge
4.2 The revenge of love
5. The salvation of love
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography

1. Introduction
The name of Alexandre Dumas is synonymous with romance and adventure. In June 1844 he wrote The Count of Monte Cristo, his most enduring novel. It has not only delighted generations of readers but made history exciting. It is a great pity that so far we have done little research on this book. This paper centers on the research in the field of love in The Count of Monte Cristo. [1]


Love is a forever theme in every form of literature. Alexandre Dumas has no exception since he is such a romantic person. But Alexandre Dumas has given a new annotation to love. In his novel The Count of Monte Cristo, love plays two different roles----a killer and a saver.
2. Context
2.1 Plot overview
At the age of nineteen, Edmond Dantes seems to have the perfect life. He is about to become the captain of a ship; He is engaged to a beautiful and kind young woman, Mercedes; And he is well liked by almost everyone who knows him. This perfect life, however, stirs up dangerous jealousy among some of Dantes’ so-called friends. Danglars, the treasurer of Dantes ship, envies Dantes’ early career success; Mondego Mondego is in love with Dantes’ fiancee and so covets his amorous success; His neighbor Caderousse is simply envious that Dantes is so much luckier in life than he is.
Together, these three men draft a letter accusing Dantes of treason. There is some truth to their accusations: As a favor to his recently deceased captain, Dantes is carrying a letter from Napoleon to a group of Bonapartist sympathizers in Paris. Though Dantes himself has no political leanings, the undertaking is enough to implicate him for treason. On the day of his wedding, Dantes is arrested for his alleged crimes.
The deputy public prosecutor, Villefort, sees through the plot to frame Dantes and is prepared to set him free. At the last moment, though, Dantes jeopardizes his freedom by revealing the name of the man to whom he is supposed to deliver Napoleon’s letter. The man, Noirtier, is Villefort’s father. Terrified that any public knowledge of his father’s treasonous activities will thwart his own ambitions, Villefort decides to send Dantes to prison for life. Despite the entreaties of Monsieur Morrel, Dantes’ kind and honest boss, Dantes is sent to the infamous Château d’If, where the most dangerous political prisoners are kept.
While in prison, Dantes meets Abbe Faria, an Italian priest and intellectual, who has been jailed for his political views. Faria teaches Dantes history, science, philosophy, and languages, turning him into a well-educated man. Faria also bequeaths Dantes a large treasure hidden on the island of Monte Cristo, and he tells him how to find it should he ever escape. When Faria dies, Dantes hides himself in the abbe’s shroud, thinking that he will be buried and then dig his way out. Instead, Dantes is thrown into the sea, and is able to cut himself loose and swim to freedom. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)
Dantes travels to Monte Cristo and finds Faria’s enormous treasure. He considers his fortune a gift from God, given to him for the sole purpose of rewarding those who have tried to help him and, more important, punishing those who have hurt him. Disguising himself as an Italian priest who answers to the name of Abbe Busoni, he travels back to Marseilles and visits Caderousse, who is now struggling to make a living as an innkeeper. From Caderousse he learns the details of the plot to frame him. In addition, Dantes learns that his father has died of grief in his absence and that Mercedes has married Mondego. Most frustrating, he learns that both Danglars and Mondego have become rich and powerful and are living happily in Paris. As a reward for this information, and for Caderousse’s apparent regret over the part he has played in Dantes’ downfall, Dantes gives Caderousse a valuable diamond. Before leaving Marseilles, Dantes anonymously saves Morrel from financial ruin.
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