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摘要 道歉是言语交际中的一种言语行为。 生活

2013-07-29 01:07
导读:英语论文论文,摘要 道歉是言语交际中的一种言语行为。 生活在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘要道歉是言语交际中的一种言语行为。

The apology is one kind of speech act in the spoken language communication. In our daily life we may usually apologize to others in different ways or accept others’ apologies for different reasons. However, as far as "the apology" is concerned, people may refer it to the expressions such as "sorry" or "excuse me" and so on.. The speech act of the apology is one kind of behavior which usually occurs when the speaker intentionally or accidentally offends the hearer, for the purpose of restoring the former specific relation. When a person has violated the social norm or affronted others in the social group, if he makes apology, he can maintain the interpersonal harmonious relations, restore his social position, and set up the good individual image. This article analyzes the apologies and the differences in the selection of the apology strategies between English and Chinese. The article elaborates the present research situation and the apology’s definitions, the types of the apologies, the apology strategies and its restricted factors, carries on the comparison of the selection of apology strategies between the Chinese and English, and explores the difference in the speech act of the apology between China and the English-speaking country from the characteristic aspect. The result suggests that the different cultures, the different ways of communication and value trend between English and Chinese lead to the differences in the selection of the apology strategies. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.com发布)
Key words:  Apology; types; social factors; influence; apology strategies;
哲学家J.L.Austin最早提出言语行为理论(Theory of Speech Acts),他将道歉‘apologize’定义为施为语的一种”[1](P82),“Searle 基于Austin的分类,将道歉归于表达类”[2](P92)。“Brown和Levinson提出面子论(The Face Theory)”[3](P102),“指出说话人的道歉行为,表示承认自己的过失,有损面子,是导致说话人正面面子受损的FTA(威胁面子的行为 face threatening acts, 简称FTA)”[4](P104),并且“向听话人道歉,表明无意在感情上或行动上伤害听话人是负面礼貌策略是为了满足对方面子上反面的要求”[5] (P106)。而最早对道歉语进行具体研究的是Olshtain and Cohen,将道歉语定义为“a culture-sensitive speech-act set of semantic formulae or strategies”(一种对文化具有敏感性、具有一定的语义成分或策略的言语行为组),并提出了最初的道歉言语行为模型。后来,“Blum- Kulka & Olshtain等学者对该模型进行了改进,改进后的模型被纳入‘言语行为实现模式的跨文化研究’(CCSARP)项目中。”[6](P247)自 CCSARP项目的道歉言语行为子项目设立以来,很多学者(Holmes、Trosborg、Suszczynska、Owen等)对不同语言(新西兰英语、丹麦语、匈牙利语、英国英语、美国英语等)与文化中的道歉语进行了研究。但这些研究大多是从道歉策略的整体使用情况对道歉语进行跨文化分析,而对道歉策略的具体安排模式或道歉内容的意义却少有涉及。而后,“J·霍姆斯(J.Holmes)对道歉作出定义:假设A 为致歉者, B 为被冒犯者, 道歉是A 为了弥补自己的冒犯行为, 向B 致歉, 以挽回B 的面子, 从而恢复A 与B 的平衡的言语行为。” [7](P376)

(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

一、    道歉的种类