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The Contrast and Analyses of Customs in Britain and China

2017-04-14 01:21
导读:英语论文论文,The Contrast and Analyses of Customs in Britain and China在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:The night of the wedding, the bridal room will lit dragon and phoenix candale to drive away the ev

The night of the wedding, the bridal room will lit dragon and phoenix candale to drive away the evil spirit, the newlyweds will drink wine from two cups tied together with a red string, arms crossed from each other. This is the formal wedding vow in Chinese culture. Then the bride will be offered dumplings that's boiled half-raw. The pronunciation of "raw" is the same as giving birth to children, a indication of family prosperity. The next morning of the wedding, the bride should get up early and make a meal for the groom's family to demonstrate that she is well nurtured. Three days after the wedding, the groom and bride will go back to visit the bride's parents.

2.3 Eating Customs
Now, as the development of the intercultural communication, it is inevitable for us to pay more attention to some eating customs different between the two countries. We all know that China is also famous for its delicious foods. And we all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat, what kinds of foods are bad to eat. And because of the different culture, we can also find the different eating customs.

2.3.1 Eating in Britain
The British people are not too fastidious about their food; their food is a little dull. If you ask me what kind of food in Britain is famous, nothing is better than beefsteak and several kinds of dessert. Although the British food is not very sumptuous in verity, they pay more attention to the delight of eating. So you can easily find some restaurants in Britain, which are graceful and elegant. There are many kinds of meat in Britain food market, and the marine products are abundant. However, most of the vegetables in Britain are imported from other countries. In spite of this, the vegetables are with a great variety. Usually, the vegetables are sold in the special store, with good order, and the price is a slight high. In Britain, the food flavoring is not as much as in China, so if you want to cook some Chinese food in Britain, half of the flavoring could not be found here. Maybe that is one of the reasons why the British food is not very delicious.

(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

The British people like desserts very much, and the desserts are with good tastes. There are many kinds of bread, pies and cakes. Especially, their puddings are so delicious. The British people often have deserts in their “afternoon tea”, or after their banquet, and sometimes they also have deserts when breakfast. Most of the British people have the skill of making some dessert and they like toasting food. Often in the school, there would be some competitive activities of making dessert. In these activities, the schools invite the parents to join together with the students; they make the dessert by themselves, and taste each other’s food. If you have the opportunity to take part in, you are sure to be surprised with their excellent skills and the good taste of the dessert.
The British people make their food in simple way. Usually, they cook the vegetabl

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