2014-05-30 01:05
导读:药学论文毕业论文,深圳市正常体质量指数成人骨密度和峰值骨密度论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:作者:吴伏娜,钟紫茹,韩全水,林小岚【关键词】 骨密度 Investigation
【关键词】 骨密度
Investigation of bone density and peak bone density of healthy adult residents with normal body mass index in Shenzhen
【Abstract】 AIM: To investigate the bone density and peak bone density (PBD) in healthy residents with normal body mass index in Shenzhen City for the prevention of osteoporosis in Shenzhen. METHODS: Bone mineral density of 677 healthy residents, who were aged over 20 and has lived in Shenzhen for more than 10 years, was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorption-metry (DEXA). The subjects were divided into 14 age groups with five years in each group. RESULTS: The PBD of lumbar vertebral and femoral neck and wards triangle was observed in 25-29 male group and in 35-39 female group and the PBD of neck and wards triangle was observed in female 40-44 group. The highest bone mass density was found in 80-84 male group. The bone mass density dropped rapidly from 45 years on in females. CONCLUSION: Female PBD appears later than male PBD, just before menopause. The PBD in female is drops rapidly from 45 years on, while that in males drops from the age of 65 or 70. Prevention of osteoporosis should starts with the elevation of PBD in adolescents.
【Keywords】 bone density; peak bone density; body mass index
【摘要】 目的: 调查深圳市正常体质量指数人群骨密度和峰值骨密度(PBD),以期为深圳地区骨质疏松症防治工作提供理论依据. 方法: 近5 a体检的健康成年677名,年龄20以上,男女性均以5岁一个年龄段分为14组;双能X光骨密度仪测量骨密度. 结果: 男性各部位PBD值出现在25~岁,女性各腰椎PBD值出现在35~岁,髋部PBD值出现在40~岁. 在80~岁年龄段,男性腰椎骨密度出现高于其PBD的另一个峰值,女性骨密度自45~岁年龄段后随年龄逐年下降. 结论: 女性PBD形成晚于男性而接近绝经期;其骨密度自45岁年龄段迅速减低, 而男性则发生在65岁年龄段;骨质疏松的预防应从青少年时期提高PBD开始.
内容来自www.nseac.com 【关键词】 骨密度;峰值骨密度;体重指数
峰值骨密度(peak bone desity, PBD)是人骨质生长期获得的最大骨矿物质含量,其数值可预测中老年时期骨质丢失程度以及骨质疏松症的发病率,已成为骨质疏松研究的热点之一. PBD受遗传和环境因素的影响,在环境因素中,体质量是重要因素之一. 我们选取深圳市正常体质量指数人群,采用双能X光骨密度仪检测骨密度,排除体质量因素对骨密度的影响,得出深圳地区PBD值,从而为深圳地区骨质疏松症的防治工作提供理论依据.
200005/200412我院进行体检的正常体质量健康成年人677例,职业为干部、商人、公司职员、医护人员、工人、无业人员等,体质量指数在18~24 kg/m2,年龄20岁以上,除外内分泌、慢性阻塞性肺部疾患、风湿性疾病及进行骨质疏松治疗者,居住深圳10 a以上.
按每5岁一个年龄段分组. 由专人用Challenger“99”双能X光骨密度测量仪检测L3,L24及髋部Neck,Wards部位的骨密度. 每次检测前仪器均进行自检,仪器重复测定的变异系数为1.3%.
统计学处理: 使用SPSS11.0统计软件对数据进行统计学处理. 各年龄组的总体差异检验采用方差分析,各年龄组与PBD组比较采用Dunnettt检验,P