2014-08-20 01:05
导读:药学论文毕业论文,五加双参片对辐射和化学物质损伤细胞的影响论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:作者:肖引,陈崇尚,华君,白娟,马勇智【关键词】 五加双参片;药理学
【关键词】 五加双参片;
【Abstract】 AIM: To study the protective effects of WUJIASHUANGSHEN tablets (WJSST) on cells against radiation damage and chemical injury. METHODS: The radiation damage models in rats were induced by 60Co as the radiant substance. We counted the numbers of the peripheral blood leucocytes, medullary cells and the micronuleated cells and measured the content of DNA in thymocytes. The models of hypocytosis were induced by cyclophosphamide and the numbers of the leucocytes and thrombocytes were counted. RESULTS: When WJSST were administered after radiation damage by 60Co, the numbers of the leucocytes and medullary cells were obviously increased as compared with blank group and leucogen control group (P