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关键词:全麻腹部手术 早期半卧位 康复
The relation between semi-position in early stage and recovery after abdominal operation under general anesthesia Zheng wenya Wang jian.Department of General Surgery, Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200001
Abstract: Purpose: To study the relation between semi-position in early stage and recovery after abdominal operation under general anesthesia. Methods: There were eighty consecutive patients in this study who received abdominal operations under general anesthesia. They were classified into two groups in random, who were in semi-position or in supine respectively and were observed through the monitoring and comparison of some post-operative recovery parameters. Results: Semi-position in early stage has positive effect on the patients' respiration, circulation, drainage and comfort etc after abdominal operation under general anesthesia. Conclusion: Semi-position in early stage can improve the quality of recovery after abdominal operation under general anesthesia in some aspects.
Key words: Abdominal operations under general anesthesia Semi-position in early stage Recovery
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 临床资料:选择1999.9至2000.5全麻腹部手术患者80例,术前都无严重的心、肺等脏器疾病,年龄25—70岁,平均年龄56.7岁;男性32例,女性48例。其中胆道手术32例,胃手术26例,结直肠手术17例,门高压手术3例,胰腺手术2例 。
1.2. 方法:随机将80例患者分为实验组和对照组,每组40例,二组在年龄、性别、手术方式上比较没有差异性。实验组在患者手术回到病房后,在生命体征正常,呼之能应的情况下即给予半卧位,将床头逐步摇高到20-450间。对照组给予去枕平卧六小时后采取半卧位。
1.2.1. 呼吸循环功能指标测定:二组患者分别在术前和术后六小时测定动脉血气分析、氧饱和度、血压(BP)、以及用Micro Medical Lid. US仪测定肺功能指标。在术前各项指标正常的情况下,分别收集术后其中的动脉血二氧花碳分压(PaCO2)、氧饱和度(SaO2 )、肺活量(VC)值,肺活量用实测值占预计正常值的百分比(A/P)来表示。分别统计出在PaCO2