2015-10-24 01:10
Abstract: The article has outlined the new question which Anhui countryside taxes and fees pilot reform's background, the content, the result and appear, to national which and citizen basic property relations' law Tianjin from this proposed locates, the agricultural tax law formulation, to ford the agricultural finance transfer payment system completely and so on questions to carry on the discussion; The article proposed the revision constitution about the citizen property rights' stipulation, the formulation finance fundamental law and establishes the financial government by law principle, the formulation agricultural tax law, the introduction according to the average per person financial revenue of a computation generality transfer payment amount for factors, significant to ford the agricultural finance question by the Organ of power decision and so on new mentality; The article believed that the countryside taxes and fees reform, decides the non-drawing domestic demand the expedient measure, but involves the majority population law right and the property rights and interests significant system transforms, its success needs the entire social politics and the legal mutual recognition, but the countryside taxes and fees reform already needs the financial government by law the safeguard, also impels the financial government by law inevitably the unceasing consummation. key word: Our country finance act; Legislative work; Anhui countryside; Taxes and fees reform; Agricultural tax law 前言
(科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布) 从2000年起,安徽开始实行农村税费改革试点。一年多来的试点实践表明,农村税费改革,既是农村中财政分配关系的重大调整,也提出了财政法律制度建设方面的新课题。为此,本文拟首先分析安徽农村税费改革的背景、主要内容及实际效果,进而分析农村税费改革提出的几个财政法方面的主要题目,并就此提出作者的一些初步思考。