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2016-06-28 01:04
【内容提要】信息网络传播权是伴随着现代信息技术出现的新的传播权类型,国际社会在运用法律手段设置、调整和完善该类权利及其运行方面进行了有效探索,产生了一系列可供鉴戒的文本。我国《信息网络传播权保护条例》的出台实现了该权利在我国的体系化规制,但它并不能解决网络时代著作权保护的所有题目,信息网络传播权法律规则应该在《著作权法》的第二次修改中得到统筹考虑,并以此促进《条例》的修改和完善。 【英文摘要】Along with the swift development of the Internet and the popularity of the computers, we have step into the information time. In the time, the development of high-tech brings unprecedented challenge for the traditional intellectual property right, especially the copyright law. It is the copyright holders who own the rights controlling the communication of the works, including the Right of Communication through Information Network. The relative regulations have been implemented in China as well as the other representative Countries. But we can't draw the definite conclusion that the regulations are perfect in this field. The article will discuss the second amendment of copyright law and relative byelaw on the Right of Communication through Information Network.
【关 键 词】信息网络传播权/《信息网络传播权保护条例》/法律规制/制度完善
    上一篇:试论优等悬赏广告 下一篇:我国应完善精神损害赔偿制度