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2016-12-04 01:17

关键词:税收筹划  财务管理  方法  分析

Tax planning applied in financial management
                                               ------------based on case anlaysis
Abstract: Tax planning is not a new things that it has a history of nearly one hundred years in western countries, it not only recognized by government, but also applied generally in the accounting subjects. But in our country. It only stay at studding and pursuing stage. As constant perfection of the socialist market economy system. forming of the buyer’s market and fierce market competition day by day, the role of tax planning show especially day by day. on the basis of practice experience and knowledge that I studied from class, this article talks the concept and producing environment of the tax revenue, furthermore, summarize its characteristics and basic principle . Then article describ the value-added tax , consumption tax , business tax , corporate income tax for the main shaft 4 tax categories, the concept prepared to the tax revenue through the instance and application in the financial administration are described . End in article, question should pay attention toed analyse to presuoption , legitimacy , economy that tax revenue prepare several practical operation, so as to ensure the science and integrality of the article. 


Key word :   tax planning  financial management  method  analyse

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