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2014-10-24 01:04


摘  要:  西洞庭湖旅游区有着独具特色、丰富的旅游资源,但对其开发还不够深入,旅游在湖区经济发展中还未发挥其应有的作用。从西洞庭湖常德旅游区的实际情况来看,旅游资源可持续发展的有利条件和制约因素皆比较明显,树立休闲旅游的新观念,强化湖乡文化特色,保护资源是该区旅游资源可持续开发的基本构想。

关键词:  西洞庭湖区;休闲旅游;旅游开发

West Dongting Lake Area Leisure Traveling Development Research

Abstract: The West Dongting Lake traveling area has charatericity, the rich traveling resources, but insufficiently is also thorough to its development, the functions of traveling which has not displayed in the lake area economy development its should have. Looked from the west Dongting Lake traveling area actual situation that, the traveling resources sustainable development advantage and there striction factor quite are all obvious, sets up the leisure traveling the new idea, the strengthened lake township culture characteristic, protects the resources is basic conception of this area traveling resources sustainable development.

Keywords: Traveling Development; Leisure Traveling; West Dongting Lake Area


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