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现当代文学 | 英美文学 | 通讯工程 | 网络工程 | 行政管理 | 公共管理 | 自动化 | 艺术 | 音乐 | 舞蹈 | 美术 | 本科 | 教育 | 英语 |


2014-11-12 01:38



Discussion on the Management of Hotel Security


Abstract: Security is the basic needs of the hotel guests, it is essential to make the hotels security management if modern hotel would like to make the hotel guests have the sense of “home” security. Hotel security management is not only directly related to the normal operation of the hotel, but also affects the operational effectiveness of the hotel to a large extent. This paper first describes the meaning of the hotel security, points out the important effect in carrying out the management of hotel security, and analyzes the features of hotel security management, then discusses the home and aboard hotel security situation and the existing problems, finally raises the relevant steps of the hotel safety management directly.
Keywords: hotel; safety; safety management


    上一篇:浅析网络环境与旅游商业模式的变革 下一篇:浅谈提高饭店餐饮服务质量