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2014-11-30 01:44



A Brief Analysis on the Problems and Solutions of Our National Tourism Higher Education
Abstract: Our national tourism higher education has developed for more than twenty years. In the twenty years, tourism education has rapidly developed. The universities and students of recruitment are increasing quickly; it’s make great devotion to our tourism industry. But in the new environment, face up to the opportunity and challenge, our national tourism higher education has some problems, and the quality of education should be improved. In this paper, a concrete analysis of the environment, problems and the recent situation of our national tourism education are made. Some suggestions are put forward for our national tourism education such as: perfect course’s system; how to reform the teaching model; how to strengthen the team of teachers; expedite the development of scales.

Keywords: tourism higher education; education pattern; talents training

    上一篇:区域红色旅游管理创新 下一篇:略论旅游业的危机管理