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2015-04-07 01:17


The Design Instruction of the Website of HuiTong Express 

  Abstract:In the 21st century, the human society has entered the information time, many enterprises in the world associates its own benefit with the internet in order to increase the competition, reduce the cost and further enhance the production efficiency .The company website is very popular,many companies issues the information and provides the service by using the website,  and propagandizes the corporate culture and sets up the company brand by the webside, unceasingly accumulating  the intangible asset for the company. This design is a onstage design of an express website.because it is a onstage design, the creativity and the art designing to the website is paid great attention, to give the visitor to the webside an informer new feeling. This design is for the purpose of standing on the visitors angle, taking the visitor as the leadership. This design is avoiding  entering the designer as far as possible to disregard visitors demand and the standpoint, but not instilling the propagandize idea of the company into the visitor constantly, for the purpose of maximum limit displaying the function of the website and bringing the biggest benefit to the enterprise.

Keywords:Page Layout; Art Designing; Design Creativity



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