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2017-12-18 01:43
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论公诉案件的撤诉律毕业论文论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要


关键词: 刑事诉讼;公诉;撤回起诉


New "Law of Criminal Procedure" has cancelled "Law of Criminal Procedure" originally 108th about the peoples court when the examination appeal case "to does not need to sentence, may request the Peoples Procuratorate withdraws charges" the stipulation. The dispute the appeal case withdraws a suit which in the judicial practice is bigger, procedure respectively different. In some kind of degree causes to withdraw the male right of suit to discuss shirks the misjudged law case responsibility for the procuratorial agency the method, is extremely disadvantageous to the judicial fairrealization. Therefore, the appeal case withdraws a suit the system to be supposed to stipulate in Law of Criminal Procedure center, the time stage, the legal matter, the operation sequence and the legal consequence which and withdraws a suit gives explicitly to stipulate.


Key words: The criminal prosecution; appeal; withdraws a suit the prosecution


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