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2017-12-17 06:18
导读:法律论文毕业论文,关于我国民事公益诉讼若干问题的探讨律毕业论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要

民事公益诉讼源于罗马法,具有古老的历史, 现在世界上大多数国家已经设立民事公益诉讼制度,民事公益诉讼在保护国家与社会公益方面具有积极的意义。随着市场经济体制逐步的建立和完善,民事公益诉讼已成为民事诉讼理论界及实务界关注的热点问题,但就民事公益诉讼的提起主体,适用范围,及特有原则等方面还没有形成统1的看法。民事公益诉讼提起的主体应该是多元的,适用的范围应当限于涉及国家利益、公共利益、社会风俗等方面的民事案件,同时应当确立公序良俗原则、当事人处分与国家干预结合原则、行政管辖权优先原则、奖励公民诉讼与滥用诉权之限制相结合原则



Civil public welfare lawsuit(CPWL) originates from Roman law which has a long history, now many country have set up the civil public welfare lawsuit system,this system has a positive significance in protecting national interest and social benefit. As market economy system gradually establishment and be improved,  the civil public welfare lawsuit has become a hot topic of the wolrd of civil action theory and judicature , but the problem of who can start up civil public welfare lawsuit, what is the applicable scope, and the problem of the unique principle has not formed a unified view. Procurators, individuals, and other organizations can start up civil public welfare lawsuit, the scope must be restricted in the aspect of national interest, public interest, social custom civil case, and must establish the principle of abide to morality social order, the principle of civic disposition with governmental intervention , primacy of administrative jurisdiction , and the principle of rewarding the citizen to start up lawsuit with limiting the citizen to use their rights incorrectly . 中国大学排名
Key words: Civil public welfare lawsuit; basis of civil public welfare lawsuit;
commencement of subject; unique principle


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