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2017-12-17 03:09
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论法律与科学技术的关系律毕业论文在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘 要




The scientific technology is the first productive force, and the law is the overtop structure, the two of which constitutes the dialectical relationship of function and reaction. The scientific technology to the law is a promoting strength, which promotes the legal development, has been developing the legislation domain, has provided the new expressing way, proposes new requests to the judicature and justice administration, and also promotes people to obey the law; Simultaneously the law also has the interactive function to the scientific technology, which promotes and ensures the progress of the scientific technology. There being no legal system cannot compromise all kinds of social relations in the process of developing the scientific technology, cannot reduce the negative influence of the scientific fruit ,or cannot participate in the international scientific and economic competition or cooperation effectively. Our country has made the very big progress in the legal and scientific technological relational area, and we have further proposed the fields which should been consummated in this aspect through the insight into our current situation of the legal and scientific technological relational research.

Key words: law; scientific technology; interactive function (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )


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