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2017-12-17 02:10
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论交通事故精神损害赔偿的有关理论和实务问题论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要




The traffic accident belongs to the special abuse of authority, seriously harms victims personal rights and the property right, creates the property damage and the phrenalgia to the victim。But the present stage traffic accident spirit damage compensate all has the problem in the legislation and the judicature, displays for the processing traffic accident damage compensate law, the laws and regulations stipulated regarding this the unusual principle and is fuzzy; Must strengthen the spirit damage compensate, turns over to the responsibility principle in the spirit damage compensate to have to persist does not have the mistake principle, the contributory negligence rule, at the same time must strengthen the spirit damage compensate the legal first status, does as far as possible in the compensation standard the objectification, fundamentally manifests the civil law to humans ultimate concern basic objective.

Key word:  compensation for shock; the traffic accident; the special abuse



    上一篇:论建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度的必要性律毕 下一篇:没有了