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2017-12-17 02:08
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论合同诈骗罪律毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘    要


关键词:合同   合同诈骗罪   非法占有  履行 

The crime of contractual fraud refers to the behavior that on the course of signing and fulfilling the contract, people take the illegal occupation as the goal to hold the possessions of litigant in large number by the method of fictionalizing fact and conceal the truth. Today, the rapid development of market economy in the reform and open policy, it appeared massively a large number of crimes by the contract cheating. It doesn’t conform to the requirement of the development of times that using old charge standard the modern economy in which background the contract-cheating crime is separated from the cheating crime in 1997. However, a new charge definitely can save the certain flaw in the judicial practice. Therefore by analyzing the definition and constitutions of crime of contractual fraud, we can further limit the differences between contract-cheating crime and the contract dispute to perfect the insufficiency in the legislation of contract-cheating, which plays a very important role in judicially practicing of crime of contractual fraud.


 Key words: Contract  crime of contractual fraud  illegal possession  carry out


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