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2017-12-20 01:19
导读:法律论文毕业论文,对封建社会官员考核制度的法律思考律毕业论论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要



The Chinese ancient feudalistic society system is very flourishing and investigate system with its concomitant officials also very mature. Officialdoms investigate is an important contents of the officialdom management system of the our country in the past, it rises to restructure Li to cure, Cheng the bad Yang be kind and raise a government agency administrations efficiency to wait an important function. This text as long as is fore the persons foundation up carries on summary, in order to from lengthways with horizontal top more delightfully fresh, keep a see of view the officials investigate system of flow to change with characteristics, and it to at that time social output influence, and got some apocalypses from it, with diagram to contemporary China of officials achievement investigated an institutional Gou piece to have benefit.

Key words:  Feudalism;  Official;  Merit system

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