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2017-12-21 01:35
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论战国时期新兴地主的法制指导思想律毕业论在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘  要




Following the social economy development at The Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time, the emerging landlord class has formed, the emerging social classs appearance causes a big legal system reform inevitably, “government by law” the further consummation was our country’s reformer, thinker and statesman wisdom’s crystallization at ancient time, was our country outstanding cultural heritage and the precious spiritual wealth. In particular legalist school, in order to adapt the feudal landlord social class develop and to consolidate its society, in front of following method in the foundation, it carried on to the law further reformed, further abolished the slave-owner privilege, formed the written law, and realized “govern by the legal state” initially. This article draws up the reason, the content which produces from the emerging landlord class as well as it to the later generation influence, discusses the Warring States time emerging landlord class legal system guiding ideology.

Key words: Guiding ideology by legal state; The punishment does not have the rank; Value penalty principle; Punish law to people (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)

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