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2017-12-27 01:09
导读:法律论文毕业论文,民事立法对过错责任原则和严格责任原则的选择样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘  要




 The  spiritual essence of fault responsibility principle is that faultless means irresponsibility The Spiritual essence of strict responsibility principle is that law distributes the responsibility of dangerous behavior reasonably. From the perspective of legal economics, different principles mean different efficiency and incentive. According to the principle of efficiency, tort liability principles ought to minimize the accidents costs including the prevention cost, the accident loss, as well as the social costs. The difference between fault responsibility principle and strict responsibility principle in the value of economy is that fault responsibility principle fits bilateral prevention, but strict responsibility principle fits unilateral prevention. Compared with fault responsibility principle, strict responsibility principle makes better use of prevention and reducing the costs of proceedings. From economic value and the reference standard angle of civil responsibility to embark,then proposes concrete measure of fault responsibility principle and strict responsibility principle in product liability and animal tort liability: Making a unified product liability law、Establishing the responsibility of the seller 、Differentiating the danger between different animals and lying down the appropriate rules.

Key words: Strict responsibility; Fault responsibility; Imputation principles;  Efficiency;  Reference standard;  Concrete measure (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)

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