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2016-01-27 01:02


因此本人结合开放源码音像租赁管理系统的要求,因此对postgreSQL数据库管理系统、SQL语言原理、LINUX编程环境,Glade GUI 编程工具,C语言编程语言,C语言数据库技术进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成对音像租赁管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、LINUX下数据库的比较和选择,数据库模式分析,并在此基础上设计了数据库结构和应用程序。


DVD Store Management System for Linux

Abstract:The DVD Store management system is a typical Management Information System ( MIS), its development contain primarily the Database establishes with support and the applies of  procedures. Firstly, we should make sure that the data consistency, the data complete is strong and the data safety is good in database. Secondly the application procedure function must be completed and the usage must be easy.
Requesting of open resources, I learned the principle of SQL language, how to use postgreSQL data base management system (DBMS), Glade GUI tools, C language in Linux and libpq library etc. How to setup postgreSQL Database, Linux Operating System platform and set the variables of environment, compile and execute the Linux programs I must know. After all of that I analyzed the requirement of the DVD Store management system, designed the model of functions, chose the database which will use in system and designed the structure of database. Because of all of the work I have do, I get the application which user need. 内容来自www.nseac.com
The result of system executes proved that the DVD Store manage system can be used for member management, DVD disk management; DVD disk lease management and the rental management.
Keywords: Database; SQL language; postgreSQL; Glade GUI; GTK/GNOME


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