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2016-01-24 01:01


摘要:随着互联网的发展, Internet已经成为1个实时的,多媒体的信息传播渠道。通过这个渠道,人与人之间的交流变得更加便捷。本文是基于Web的点歌系统,它详细地讲述了运用了ASP技术(Avtive Server Page)、ADO技术(ActiveX Data Object)、MS Access数据库技术、JavaScript脚本语言技术等技术,开发1个基于Web的点歌系统的开发流程,并从需求分析、概要设计、详细设计等方面来对上述技术的实现方法进行了讨论。系统使用MS Access作为后台数据库,使用IIS作为WEB服务器,系统实现了点歌、点歌信息查询、帮助等功能,用户只要使用IE浏览器访问系统站点,即可为好友点歌,查看好友为自己点歌信息等。

The Implementation of Song System based on Asp

Abstract:Along with the Internet development, Internet already became real-time, multimedia information dissemination channel. Through this channel, between the person and persons exchange changes conveniently. In order to between the better increase person and the person exchanged myself to make this line song system. This article is based on the Web spot song system. It in detail narrated has utilized the ASPtechnology(Avtive Server Page),the ADOtechnical(ActiveX Data Object), MS Access Database technical, JavaScript language technical and so on  based on the Web spot song system development flow, and from aspect and so on demand analysis, outline design, detailed design came to the above technical realization method to carry on the discussion. The system uses MS Access to take the backstage database,uses IIS takes the WEB server. The system has realized a song, spot song function, demand information and so on. The user can use the IE browser to visit the system stand, then may select the song for the good friend, examined the good friend selects the song information for oneself and so on.

Keywords: Web,ASP,ADO,Database,IIS


    上一篇:图书管理信息系统的设计和实现Delphi+SQL 下一篇:没有了