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2016-01-22 01:13


摘要:医院管理信息系统(HIS: Hospital Management Information System)是利用计算机软硬件技术、网络通讯技术等现代化手段,对医院及其所属各部门(本系统不包含门诊部分)的人流、物流、财流进行综合管理,对在医疗活动各阶段中产生的数据进行采集、存贮、处理、提取、传输、 汇总、加工生成各种信息,从而为医院的整体运行提供全面的、自动化的管理及各种服务的信息系统。本文简单介绍了医院出入院处、病区、药房、药库的业务流程,在整体分析医院各部门以及部门之间的实际工作业务的基础之上,结合管理信息系统开发的理念,开发和完成了系统的模块设计、实体-联系图(E-R图)设计、关系模式设计、数据库设计、代码设计、人机界面设计, 并在Delphi7.0和SQL2000上编程实现了住院管理、药品库房管理功能模块。
关键词:医院;需求分析; MIS实现。

Hospital Management Information System Design and Realization

Abstract: The hospital management Information Systems purpose is to have a synthesize manage to the hospital and its departments manpower flow, material flow, wealth flow, and to collection, storage, dispose, pick-up, transmit, gather, machining the information of medical treatment in each phase, so as to support the operating of hospital for an information system that all-sided, automated management, and having some other service. This articles briefly introduced the operation flow of in and out department sick sections, drugstores and storerooms in hospital. it firstly analysed in macrocosm the fact-finding flow of every department, combines the concept of information manage system, empoldered and completed the system module, entity-affiliation relation schema, database, code, human-computer interface, and implemented to program Being in hospital management and materia medica bursary management in Delphi7.0 and SQL2000. (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)
Keyword: Hospital;  Requirements Analysis;  MIS achieve.


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