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高校的图书馆管理系统 Delphi+SQL

2016-01-22 01:13
导读:计算机应用论文论文,高校的图书馆管理系统 Delphi+SQL在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:毕业

摘 要

关键字: MIS;数据库;图书管理


The management system of library is a typical application of information management system (known as MIS), implement simplicity and friendly and normal graphical interface of the library management , which saves a large quantity of manpower and material resources for us. The whole system sets out from according with the easy and simple to handle demand with friendly , flexible , practical , safe interface. And it is made up of the maintenance subsystem and books information service subsystem . Its function includes such managements of the books as the foundation of books information,the settlement of the books , the revision of information , the inquiry of borrowing situation ,the management of users information , the establishment of books regular when books being put in storage, readers borrowing、inquiring、returning books.
The thesis primarily introduces the background of the development, the source of the subject, the significance of the system, the interrelated techniques, the functions and the designing process of this system. Besides, it describes the creation of database, and the implementing process ,the design details, and the design skills.

(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

Keywords: MIS; Database; Library Management


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