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本课题是针对医院管理,开发1个基于C/S(Client/Server)构架的医疗管理系统,系统在传统的信息管理系统设计的基础上增加了输入模块的可复用性设计。在系统的具体实施过程中我采用Delphi 7做开发工具,后台服务器采用SQL Server2000数据库服务器,其中系统涉及门诊挂号、住院管理、药品管理、员工管理、系统管理5大模块。本系统的特色是采用软件复用技术实现对系统输入模块的可复用性设计,使系统的大部分输入模块调用同1个输入界面,以达到减少工作量,提高开发效率的目的。本系统是针对医院内部而设计的,应用于医院的局域网,这样可以使得医院各部门管理更有效的联系起来。首先介绍了构建1个医疗管理系统所必备的开发环境和开发工具,其次介绍了开发本系统采用的相关技术,然后对系统进行可行性分析和需求分析,最后是系统的总体设计,子系统的开发与实现。本系统界面友好,操作简单而方便,可以减少操作人员的培训时间。
关键字:C/S; 医疗管理系统;软件复用;输入模板
This paper described a information system of hospital,which based on the framework of C/S (Client/Server ). In the development we used Delphi 7.0 and SQL Server 2000.
The system is composed of five modules which is the out-patient service registers, hospitalization management, drugs management and employee management. The special feature of this system is we use multiplexing technology to design the input interface module. In system, all input interface we call the multiplexing input interface module to accept the data and submit it to database. By this way, we reduced the load of write code and increase the development efficiency. This system is designed to the hospital, and will applied in the intranet of the hospital. It can communicate each department of hospital more effectively. Firstly, we introduced how to set up a medical treatment management system with Delphi, then introduced the related technique used in this system, finally is how to realize the system. This system has friendly interface, and the operation is simple which can reduce training time. 中国大学排名
Keywords:C/S;Medical service management system management system;Software multiplying;Imported templates