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2016-01-24 01:00

关键词:Delphi;SQL Server 2000;数据库;图书管理信息系统

Design And Implementation of The Books Management Information System
Abstract:The books management information system is the typical information management system (MIS), It mainly develops including two respects ,one is setting-up and maintenance of backstage supporters database . Another is developing the front application program. As to the former demand set up data consistency , integrality strong and data security kind database.require to the latter the function of the application program is complete , Easy to use and so on the characteristic.


This books management information system is using the computer management information processing rapid, accurate, is reliable also has the formidable memory property the prominent characteristic, comprehensively enhances the library the management level and the working efficiency, and take the prompt integrity account executive material, provides the certain support for newer books and reference materials in time of the library. The books management information system has covered six  subsystems: The books and reference materials management, the reader material management, taking advantage of the book operation, modify password and also the book operation, inquiry processing, and through the information collection, the reorganization, the memory, the transmission organically unifies them, enhanced the work rate of accuracy and the efficiency.
This thesis from the system analysis, the demand analysis, the outline analysis, the multianalysis to the system implementation, the system movement, the system maintenance and so on several aspects in detail elaborated the books management information system performance history, recorded in the performance history analysis to rest on and to design the mentality and the correlation graph, had expounded the main design content and the implementation, the movement situation, for this system use, the promotion have provided the complete material.
This system is nearly four months construction period, finished the elementary edition of the books administrative system tentatively, the system has basically realized the original basic function, and will carry on improvement and completion successively afterwards.
Keyword: Delphi ; SQL; database; books management information system


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