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摘要 本文来自中国科教评价网
本系统采用 ASP 作为开发工具,后台数据库采用SQL Server设计。本文详细介绍了毕业设计评语管理系统的设计过程 ,包括系统分析、需求分析、功能设计、数据库设计、系统实现过程。在毕业设计管理系统中可以实现指导老师,评阅人和答辩小组对评语的生成、编辑、打印,生成成绩考核表,调用模板编辑、评语模板管理等功能。
关键字: ASP;评语管理系统;数据库;IIS5.0
Along with the Internet development, at present the campus net obtained the very quick popularization, and is acting the count for much role in the school supervisory work. Along with the teaching system unceasing reform, the graduation project supervisory work arduous, is day by day complex. How causes the graduation project supervisory work conveniently is the key point which the modern universities develops, therefore is urgent needs to develop develops one kind of practical graduation project management software.
This graduation project duty is needs to design a graduation project management system management system the evaluation management subsystem, causes its full display service teachers and students function, simultaneously has also facilitated the teacher to students supervisory work. The system development duty mainly included the onstage contact surface the design and the backstage data bank administration design, this article briefly introduced the graduation project management system management system project background and the significance.
This system uses ASP to take the development kit, the backstage database uses SQL the Server design. This article in detail introduced the graduation project evaluation management system management system design process, including system analysis, demand analysis, functional design, database design, system realization process. May realize in the graduation project management system management system instructs teacher, comments reads the person and the reply group to the evaluation production, the edition, the printing, the production result inspection table, transfers function and so on template edition, evaluation template management.
Keywords: ASP;evaluation management system management system;database;IIS5.0