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摘 要
This paper presents the definition and importance of formal methods after simply looking back on the history of formal methods, and provides an overview of formal methods. Discusses specification languages (methods) and verification methods that include deductive proving and model checking.
It is a hard problem in area of computer network security to analyze cryptographic protocols. Using formal methods to analyze cryptographic protocols remains the key issue in this field. In this paper, a methodology is presented by using a model checker of formal methods, SMV, to analyze the TMN cryptographic protocol. After building a finite state system of the protocol and describing the security property of the protocol, SMV is used to discover some new attacks upon TMN cryptographic protocol.
The advantages and disadvantages of model checking technology and logic reasoning technology is analyzed, Based on it, the author gives a specification of new mixed technology of the two technologies which can provide a more complete formal analysis of security protocols. (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
Key words: formal analysis; SMV; model checking; logic reasoning technology; mixed formal analysis technology.