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2016-03-30 01:04

前言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 5子棋简介 2
1.1.1 5子棋的发展历史 2
1.1.2 5子棋的胜负概念和基本规则 2
1.1.3 5子棋的基本知识和术语解释[2] 2
1.2 中国现代5子棋发展现状及其问题 3
1.2.1 世界现代5子棋的发展情况 3
1.2.2 中国现代5子棋的发展现状 3
1.2.3 中国5子棋发展所面临的问题 4
1.3 发展计划及解决方法 4
1.3.1 中国5子棋的发展途径 4
1.3.2 解决问题的可行性方法 4
2 设计采用技术 5
2.1 TCP/IP参考模型概述[6] 5
2.1.1 TCP/IP参考模型的发展 5
2.1.2 TCP/IP协议的特点 5
2.1.3 TCP/IP参考模型各层 5
2.2 TCP/IP参考模型各层的功能 5
2.2.1 主机-网络层 5
2.2.2 互连层 5
2.2.3 传输层 6
2.2.4 应用层 6
2.3 Winsock概述 6
2.4 编程语言Visual C++ 6.0 8
2.4.1 Visual C++ 6.0概述 8
2.4.2 MFC概述 9
3 需求分析 12
3.1 对系统的综合要求 12
可靠性和可用性需求 12
3.2 分析建模 13
4 总体设计 15
4.1 系统框架搭建 16
4.2 模块简单分析 16
5 函数设置与资源编辑 18
5.1 资源编辑 18
5.2 人机对战 19
5.3 连机对战 20
6 软件的详细设计 22
6.1 棋盘设置 22
6.1.1 棋盘大小设置 22
6.1.2 初始化变量 23
6.1.3 画棋盘 23
6.2 鼠标设置 24
6.3 下棋设置 24
6.3.1 下棋操作 26
6.3.2 判断结束 27
6.4 人机对弈 (须参照附录1) 27
6.4.1 在指定位置下棋 29
6.4.2 搜索最佳落棋点 29
6.4.3 最大值函数的实现: 31
6.5 联机实现 (须参照附录2) 32
6.6 发送与接收信息 35

(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

6.6.1 发送信息 36
6.6.2 接收信息 37
6.7 时器函数 40
7 软件测试 42
结束语 45
参考文献 47
致谢 48
附录1 49
附录2 60





The Design and Implement of Network Playing Chess System

Abstract: The Internet develops into after the unprecedented speed continues the newspaper, the broadcast, the television fourth big media, and is changing peoples former entertainment life by its convenient intelligence transmission form. The network game uses simply, quick, the low cost, easy to promote, its universal application already became the network entertainment the situation to approach. The network playing chess is a important branch. Could get rid of the region and the time limit carries on playing chess to attract massively has played chess the amateur, had the huge user group gradually. The network playing chess development causes to play chess this ancient activity even more to be advantageous for the promotion, more and more many young people join to this respected family in. The user group huge also promoted the network playing chess software development. The network playing chess procedure more and more comes artisticly, the function more and more is also complex. But a network playing chess procedure most basic function only then three points: Playing chess, on-line, communication. This article take a simple network gobang game as an example, mainly introduced on the net plays chess the system design development entire process. In the article the procedure uses the VC++6.0 programming language compilation, has realized the common network gobang long-distance playing chess and the immediate telephone conversation basic function. Meanwhile to network communication agreement (TCP/IP), WinSock and the VC++6.0 programming language has made the simple introduction.

Keywords:  Network playing chess;Gobang;MFC

前言 (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)

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