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摘 要:资料室的图书管理系统是典型的管理信息系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于后台要求建立1个1致性、完整性、安全性好的数据库。而对于前台则要求应用程序功能完备,使用方便。
结合了资料室图书管理系统的要求,对MS SQL Server2000数据库管理系统、SQL语言原理、Delphi应用程序设计,Delphi数据库技术进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成对图书管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。本文通过设计和开发1个资料室的图书管理系统的实践,阐述了资料室的图书管理软件中所应具有的功能及其设计与实现。主要完成以下4个方面的功能:1、图书需求添加和需求管理;2、图书入库登记和库存管理;3、图书借阅登记和借阅查询;4、图书归还处理和丢失处理。系统运行结果证明,所设计的图书管理系统可以满足借阅者、图书馆工作人员和高级管理员3方面的需要。
The design and the realization of book management system of reference library
Abstract: The book management system of the reference library is a typical management information system (MIS). Its development mainly includes the establishment and maintenance of background database, as well as development of front application program. The request of the background is to build up a database with good consistency, integrity and safety. While for the front stage, the request is to build an application program with complete functions and convenient usage. 本文来自中国科教评价网
In this paper, the author combines the request of reference library book management system and deeply studies and applies the theories of MS SQL Server2000 databases, SQL language principle, Delphi application program and Delphi database technique. By this way, the author completes the demand analysis of book management system, function model blocks dividing, database mode analysis, as well as design of the database structure and application program. In this paper, the author expatiates all of the functions, design and application for book management system software of reference library. This kind of book management system has following four functions. Firstly, it has the function of increasing and managing book demand. Secondly, it has the function of registering newly coming books before being put in storage and stock management function. Thirdly, it has the function of book borrowing registering and inquiring. Fourthly, it has the function of book returning management and lost book handling. The result of this system’s function proves that this system designed by the author in this paper can satisfy three kinds of demand from book borrower, library staff and top manager.
Keywords:SQL; Delphi; the book management