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目 录
中英文题目、摘要、关键词 1
前言 3
1 开发环境概述 4
1.1 开发环境的安装与配置 4
1.1.1 JDK的安装与配置 4
1.1.2 Tomcat服务器的安装与测试 5
1.1.3 JDBC的配置 6
1.2 JSP技术 6
1.2.1 JSP技术简介 6
1.2.2 JSP文件的执行 7
1.2.3 JSP与其他B/S模式技术的比较 8
1.2.4 JavaBean组件技术 9
1.2.5 JDBC 11
1.3 JavaScript简介 13
1.4 Dreamweaver MX简介 14
1.5 Microsoft SQL Server 2000介绍 14
2 系统分析 16
2.1 功能需求 16
2.1.1 管理员 16
2.1.2 家长 16
2.1.3 教师 16
2.2 功能结构图 16
2.3 实体-联系图(ER图) 17
3 系统总体设计 20
3.1 数据表结构设计 20
3.2 网站设计思想 22
3.2.1 JSP+JavaBean开发模式 22
3.2.2 JSP+JavaBean完成步骤 23
3.2.3 框架 23
3.2.4 网站中的文件组织 24
4 系统详细设计 25
4.1 创建数据库 25
4.2 JavaBean组件设计 25
4.2.1 数据库操作JavaBean 25
4.2.2 分页JavaBean 28
4.2.3 编码转换JavaBean 32
4.2.4 处理时间的JavaBean 33
4.3 各功能模块设计 34
4.3.1 登录模块 34
4.3.2 管理员模块 35
4.3.3 家长模块 37
4.3.4 教师模块 38
4.3.5 留言板 38
4.3.6 聊天室 39
4.4 系统测试 42
5 结束语 45
参考文献 46
致谢 47
摘要:本文论述了1个基于Web的中小学教师与家长交流平台的研究与实现过程。本系统在B/S(Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器)模式下,通过JSP(Java Server Page)动态网页技术实现。其中Web服务器采用Apache Tomcat5.0,数据库管理系统采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000,开发工具使用Dreamweaver MX 2004,所使用的技术有JSP、JDBC、JavaBean、JavaScript等。
关键词:Web;教师与家长交流平台;JSP;SQL 2000;
Construct And Realization Of A Platform Where Elementary And Middle Schools Teacher And The Guardian Can Communicate
Abstract: This article elaborated the construct and the realization process of a platform, which based on the Web and where elementary and middle schools teacher and the guardian can communicate. In B/S(Browser/Server) pattern, this system had been realized through JSP (Java Server Page) dynamic homepage technology. In this platform, Web server used Apache Tomcat5.0, the database management system used Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the development kit used Dreamweaver MX 2004, the technology had JSP, JDBC, JavaBean, JavaScript and so on.
This platform provided an effective communication environment for the teacher, the school and the guardian, in which system manager mainly realized the management to the guardian information, the teacher information, the student information, the class information, the students test result information, the message information and so on; The teacher and the guardian carried on the communication taking the student as the link, the teacher may examine students guardian information, issues the comment to the student, the guardian may examine the teacher information, examined childrens test result and teachers comment, simultaneously may examine the schools news, the notice to find out the school newest situation. In addition, the manager, the teacher, the guardians all may communicate by the message board and the chatroom. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)
Keywords: Web; Communication platform of teacher and guardian; JSP; SQL 2000;