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前言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 概述 2
1.2 聊天室基础知识 2
1.3 ASP简介 4
1.4 Dreamweaver简介 7
1.5 数据库原理 9
1.6 本章小结 12
2 系统需求分析 13
2.1 项目背景与模式分析 13
2.2 任务概述 14
2.3 系统需求规定 14
2.3.1 对功能的需求规定 14
2.3.2 对性能的需求规定 15
2.3.3 数据库需求分析 15
2.3.4 故障处理要求 16
2.3.5 其他要求 16
3 系统数据库设计 17
3.1 系统数据库设计流程 17
3.2 系统数据库逻辑结构设计 17
3.2.1 用户基本信息表 18
3.2.2 聊天信息表 19
3.2.3 聊天主题表 19
3.2.4 2进制位数表 20
3.3 建立数据库连接 20
3.4 本章小结 20
4 系统分析与设计 21
4.1 系统概要设计 21
4.1.1 系统设计方案 21
4.1.2 系统结构分析 22
4.1.3 系统流程分析 23
4.1.4 系统E-R图设计 23
4.2 系统功能详细设计 25
4.2.1 用户注册登陆与注销功能模块 25
4.2.2 验证码功能模块 25
4.2.3 查询与排行功能模块 26
4.2.4 系统管理模块 26
4.2.5 聊天功能模块 27
4.2.6 特殊功能模块 27
4.3 系统关键代码分析 28
4.3.1 注册登陆与注销模块代码分析 28
4.3.2 聊天模块代码分析 35
5 系统的运行与测试 39
5.1 系统的运行 39
5.2 系统的测试 43
6 结束语 48
参考文献 49
致谢 50
The Design and Realization of Chatting Room Online
Abstract: The chatting room is a virtual space that enables many users to contact with each other simultaneously online. Users could communication with others without the limitation of the time and space. In light of the current vigorous development of the network chatting room and the application of ASP technology, this article will discuss the chatting room and ASP technology in depth from both theory and practice aspects by virtue of analyzing and designing the cardinal function of the chatting room.
It will be divided into five sections, and they are as follows: Chapter One, briefly introduces the related background of this design, in addition to the exploitative tool, the correlative knowledge of the database; Chapter Two, in which having mainly analyzed the goal which the system should obtain and matched some requirements of this system; Chapter Three, emphasis has been placed here on the design and operation of the various tables of the database system; Chapter Four, is composed of such sections as detailed introduction of the system function, flow chart design of the main functional module’s procedure as well as safe security design and essential code analysis; Chapter Five, describes the systems concrete operation and testing processes and so on.
Keywords: Chatting Room; ASP; Database; Dreamweaver2004
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