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本系统采用B/S模式,采用现在使用广泛的ASP语言和对数据文件安全保护性极好的SQL Server2000设计开发出的1个实现在线考试的动态网站—基于Web的考试管理系统,也就是在线考试系统。该系统基本上具备1个网上数据传递的功能,具体分为用户层和管理层两大模块,用户层模块实现用户的考试、查询功能;管理实现题库的管理、试卷的生成、查询、修改、删除等功能。系统采用3层结构,统1的管理题库,自动组卷,自动判卷,极大的节省了人力、物力,提高了效率。
关键词:B/S模式; WEB; 用户层; 管理层
Online Examination System To Achieve
Abstract:We have got into the completely new 21Century, and as the typical of information technology, the internet creates a new way of information exchanged and shared for humans which isn’t restricted by the district, time, and computer itself. The 21-century is an informational society, in which the data information is exerted for a large service scale. The examination, as a way of directly embodying the knowledge of humans in the informational society, is one of the most common forms in present. However, humans have to participate into the whole process of traditional examination, whatever the stages of arranging examination are, such as, collecting the questions, printing, sending, and turning in paper, correcting answers or declaring the results, so that all these stages cause the long cycle, heavy workload, and more mistakes in the course of making an examination. Additionally, we also sometimes should pay attention to the secrecy. The above factors are enabling to raise the examination cost. So, to be the paperless, internalization, and automatic computer examination systems have confounded signification and valuable. (科教范文网http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com编辑)
Employing the B/S model, ASP language and the dynamic website developed by the SQL Server2000 and well protecting the data document---- on the basis of Web examination system, actually, the system has a basic foundation of sending internet dates, which is divided into two models, that is, the Consumer and the Administer. The Consumer is to be the foundation of the registration and landing, examination and inquired; the Administer is to be the foundation of the paper management, the paper formation, inquiry, amendment, and delectation. The system has three structures which are separately the unity of the paper management, automatic formation, and automatic correction, so it saves the labour, worthy, and improve the work efficiency.
The paper mainly introduces the developing background, the foundations and the developing process, Meanwhile, we are sharing the experience from the developing.
key words:B/S model ; WEB ; the costume; the domination
目 录
前言 1
1 在线考试系统的现状分析 2
2 开发工具简介和数据库技术 3
2.1 开发工具的选择 3
2.2 ASP简介 3
2.2.1 ASP概述 3
2.2.2 ASP的特点 3
2.3 SQL Server 2000简介 4
2.3.1 SQL Server概述 4
2.3.2 SQL Server的运行环境 7
2.3.3 SQL Server 安全性 7
2.3.4 SQL Server的特性 7
2.4 用来操纵数据的SQL命令 8
3 系统总体设计 9
3.1 系统需求分析 9
3.1.1 用户考试查询功能 10
3.1.2 系统管理员管理功能 11
3.2 系统功能模块设计 12
3.2.1 前台考试系统 12
3.2.2 后台管理员模块 12
3.3系统结构图 13
3.3.1 系统结构图 13
3.4实体关系图(ER图) 15
3.4.1 用户(学生或管理员)关系 15
3.4.2 试卷关系 15
3.4.3 题库关系 15
3.4.4考试过用户关系 16
3.4.5用户答题关系 16
3.5数据库的设计 17
3.5.1 数据库需求分析 17
3.5.2 数据库逻辑设计 17
3.5.3 数据库连接文件 19
4 系统功能模块 20
4.1前台考试模块 20
4.1.1 考试用户登陆模块 20
4.1.2 验证用户模块 21
4.1.3 考试开始模块 22
4.1.4 考试结束模块 26
4.2后台管理员模块 28
4.2.1 管理员登陆模块 29
4.2.2 试题创建模块 30
4.2.3 题库管理模块 31
4.2.4 试卷管理模块 34
4.2.5 考生管理模块 36
4.2.6 成绩统计模块 38
5 结束语 43
参考文献 44
致 谢 45
在上面的指导思想下,我在导师的指导下设计了这个系统,采用ASP语言+SQL Server2000编写。认真的参考现有的考试流程,针对现有的考试方法进行简化,实现完全无纸化操作,将从安排考试,到考试结束中得1大部分工作交给系统安排,规划。让老师真正得解放,让学生真正得轻松。