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—— 大学就业网
摘要 本网站采用基于WAP+ASP技术,在移动通信的平台上实现就业网的方法和过程,采用ACCESS做数据库,以使每1位用户随时随地通过手机来轻松求职。本文从理论和实践两个角度出发,通过对就业网要实现的主要功能进行分析与设计,对就业网与ASP以及WAP技术进行了较为深入的探讨。内容分5章,各章安排如下:第1章开发背景,主要介绍了就业网的开发工具、相关技术、系统开发环境以及数据库的基本知识;第2章需求分析,主要分析系统相关功能;第3章概要设计,包括系统设计思想以及功能模块;第4章数据库设计,分析了系统相关数据库的设计与实现;第5章详细设计,包括系统功能详细介绍和关键代码分析;本系统具有界面美观,操作简便等优点。
关键字 Internet; ASP;WAP;WML; 就业网站
Design and Implementation of WAP Website Based on ASP
——Employment webs
Abstract The website used for WAP+ASP technology in the mobile communication network platform to achieve employment methods and processes used to access database, so that every time users can find work easy through mobile phone. The theory and practice from the perspective of the two, to be achieved through the employment of the main functions of network analysis and design, network and the employment of Asp and WAP technologies for more in-depth discussion. content five, chapters organized as follows: chapter one, development background, the major networks introduced employment development tools, relevant technologies, systems development background, the major networks introduced employment development tools, relevant technologies, systems development environment and the basic knowledge database; Chapter two, needs analysis, the main analysis system related functions; Chapter three, outline design, including functional modules and system design concepts; Chapter four, database design, analysis of the system design and the realization of relevant databases; Chapter five, detailed design, including system analysis functions in detail and key codes; beautiful interface with the system, operate and advantages. Keywords Internet; ASP;WAP;WML; employment website
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