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摘要:随着计算机技术的发展,计算机与人们的生活关系日益密切,人们对计算机的使用越来越频繁,这也使得计算机应用到更多的领域。销售管理系统就是其应用之1。销售管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据1致性和完整性强.数据安全性好。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。本文针对这些特点,按照软件工程学的方法,具体设计出销售管理系统,阐述了设计的背景、关键技术,子系统划分以及系统各子系统功能,并采用JSP技术, 基于B/S模式,实现了系统。同时,对该系统的需求分析,数据流程图,ER图。数据库设计,以及主要页面和模块的实现进行详细介绍。
The Design and Realization of Distribution Management System which Based on the B/S Mode
Abstract: With the development of computer science, its relationship with our daily becomes closer and closer. The use of computer has become more and more frequent, this makes the application of computer to more domain. The Distribution Management System is one of it. Distribution Management System is a typical application of management information system (MIS), which mainly includes building up data-base of back-end and developing the application interface of front-end. The former required consistency and integrality and security of data. The later should make the application powerful and easily used. This paper aims at this characteristic, according to the engineering method of the software, design the distribution management system and explain the background of the design, key technology, the subsystem divides and every subsystem function. Besides, it realizes the system by JSP technology, and based on the B/S mode . Meanwhile, it introduces the demand analysis of the system, data flow chart, ER chart, the design of database and the realization of main page and module.
This paper includes following seven big parts. The first part has briefly been narrated the development condition of computer science and IT industry, generally introduce the basic situation of this system. The second part mainly introduces Distribution Management System such contents of various fields as the environment, scheme on the function, language, design used, etc. The third, fourth part is respectively according to the requirement depart of software engineering, firstly carries on the problem definition , the settlement objective problem , next carries on feasible nature research. Meanwhile, the design of database is introduce particularly. In the fifth, sixth part, system design and the detail design is introduced, then, expound how to realize the concrete merit ability. The last part is system debug among which includes sub-module test and the overall tests.
Keywords: Management Information System;Distribution Management;B/S mode;JSP;DataBase (转载自http://www.NSEAC.com中国科教评价网)
目 录
前言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 计算机应用与计算机网络概述 2
1.2 管理信息系统与数据库技术概述 2
1.3 立项背景与研究意义 3
1.4 国内外同类软件的研究现状与发展趋势 4
2 系统开发平台 5
2.1 C/S模式与B/S模式 5
2.1.1 C/S(Client/Server)模式 5
2.1.2 B/S(Brower/Server)模式 5
2.1.3 本系统开发模式及其特点 5
2.2 JSP技术 6
2.2.1 JSP简介 6
2.2.2 JSP与其他动态网页技术比较 7
2.2.3 JSP实现原理 9
2.2.4 JSP的内部对象及出错处理 9
2.3 相关开发语言介绍 11
2.4 开发环境搭建 12
2.4.1 JSP运行环境介绍 12
2.4.2开发环境的搭建 13
3 系统开发流程与需求分析 16
3.1 系统开发流程 16
3.2系统需求分析 17
3.2.1 系统的业务需求 17
3.2.2 系统的功能需求 17
3.2.3 系统的性能需求 18
3.2.4 系统的运行需求 18
4 数据库设计 19
4.1 数据库系统设计 19
4.2 数据库应用系统 20
4.3 SQL语言与SQL SERVER2000介绍 20
4.4 系统数据模型 21
4.5 数据库详细设计 24
5 系统概要设计 27
5.1 设计思想 27
5.2 设计原则 27
5.3 系统总体功能结构 27
5.4 各子系统功能分析 28
6 系统详细设计与实现 31
6.1 建立系统主界面 31
6.2 登录与注册子系统 31
6.3 销售管理子系统 36
6.4 留言子系统 41
6.5 系统管理子系统 42
7 系统测试与维护 45
7.1 系统测试 45
7.2 系统维护 45
8 结束语 46
参考文献 47
致 谢 48