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2016-05-01 01:05


The management system of references
Abstract: At the end of the 20thcentury, with the rapid development of computer science, the renewal of the database management technology is going on and software development based on database management does not produce to the limit even. This system is a small information system for some people of scientific research. It mainly offers sufficient information and swift inquiry method for people of scientific research , it is an indispensable part of people of scientific research.
This System is divided into five modules, namely system logining management、searching management、modifing management、addiing management and Deleting management。 system logining management module is used for checking authority and establishing in user, so as to ensure information safe; the other four modules are mainly used for searching、adding、repairing、deleting information and stocking information.It introduces Access 2000 as database and Delphi 7 as exploit tool. It mainly involves not only control to TBDEconnection、Tdatasouce and use some functions, but also involves database build、connect and design in exploit process.

Keywords: Management; Module; Database

目    录 (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
前  言 1
1 相关知识 2
1.1 DELPHI 7编程工具简介 2
1.2 DELPHI 7的集成开发环境 5
1.3 对象PASCAL语言介绍 6
1.4 SQL语言介绍 6
1.5 ACCESS 2000数据库简介 6
1.6 数据库设计基础理论 7
2 系统总体设计 9
2.1 系统设计概要 9
2.2 考虑因素 9
2.3 系统应用需求分析 9
2.4 解决方案 10
2.5 运行环境 11
3 系统功能设计 12
3.1系统功能分析 12
3.2系统功能分配 12
3.3 系统功能模块设计 12
3.4 系统功能模块图 12
3.5 流程图 13
3.5.1系统流程图 13
3.5.2数据流程图 14
4 后台数据库解决方案 15
4.1数据库设计 15
4.1.1 数据库需求分析 15
4.1.2 概念设计 15
4.1.3 关系数据库的逻辑设计 16
4.2 DELPHI7访问数据库设置 18
4.3 数据源的配置 19
5 系统功能具体设计与实现 21
5.1系统登陆 21
5.2系统主菜单功能模块设计 23
5.3 修改当前用户密码 26
5.4 用户管理 28
5.5 删除资料 31
5.6 添加资料 32
6 结束语 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35
附录 36


    上一篇:基于ASP的网上银行的设计与实现ASP+SQL 下一篇:大学生信息管理系统的设计与实现SQL+VC++