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The Website Design of Modern Long-distant Education Based on JSP
Abstract: The modern long-distant education is the application of the computer and network technology in the long-distant education domain. It is also a kind of education patterns, which establishes by modern information technology platform that includes digital technology, network communication, computer multimedia technologies and so on. It can fundamentally overcome many limitations, which brings about by the traditional distance education, such as the aspect of the time, spatial and the immediate interaction. The long-distant education is more convenient than the traditional education and it causes much change not only in the aspect of teaching method, but also the teaching process of traditional university.
This system uses popular script language JSP to carry on the design dynamic website. And it based on the teaching processes such as teaching, studying, counseling, inquiry, discussion, answer questions, test in traditional campus . You may get rid of the restrain of spatial, the time and the resources, and also can select and courseware the online to study at will. If you have the study problems, you can use the online answer questions system or the chartroom to solves the problems.
The website function module is concrete realization to the website function. This paper has carried on the detailed decomposition to the website function, they are certain interdependent modules, and each module function has carried on the detailed description. The long-distant education website function module includes user management, recruitment of students column, long-distance school (study system, work counseling system, online test systematic, answer questions on line system and forum and so on), and resources downloading.
Keywords: long-distant education; JSP; answer questions on line; choose&play teaching content.
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
前 言 3
1 概述 4
1.1 远程教育概述 4
1.2 远程教育的发展阶段 4
1.3 远程教育的优点 4
1.4 现代远程教育的基本形式 6
2 开发环境 8
2.1 JSP简介 8
2.2 JavaBean组件概述 8
2.3 JDBC简介 8
2.4 配置Web服务器 9
3 系统需求分析 11
3.1 网站结构设计 11
3.2 招生专栏模块 13
3.3 远程学堂模块 14
3.4 交流空间模块 14
3.5 资源下载模块 15
3.6 后台管理 15
3.7 系统设计的思想 16
3.8 系统流程图 17
4 数据库设计 18
4.1 数据库需求分析 18
4.2 数据表的结构 18
5 系统总体设计 21
5.1 远程教育网站的设计模式 21 中国大学排名
5.2 后台管理 21
5.3 教师平台 22
5.4 学员平台 23
6 系统详细设计和实现 24
6.1 用户注册 28
6.2 用户登录模块 30
6.3 信息公告模块 31
6.4 网站调查模块 32
6.5 招生专栏模块 33
6.6 远程学堂模块 33
6.7 交流空间模块 33
6.8 资源下载模块 34
6.9 用户管理 35
6.10 公告管理 38
6.11 投票管理 40
7 结 束 语 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43