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2016-05-13 01:02

摘要: MIS是1门新的学科,它跨越了若干个领域,比如管理科学、系统科学、运筹学、统计学以及计算机科学。在这些学科的基础上,形成信息收集和加工的方法,从而形成1个纵横交织的系统, 在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它变得越来越普及。
关键词: 信息管理系统;决策知识;数据库开发
The Design of Express Management System

Abstract: MIS is a new discipline, it acrosses several areas, such as management science, systems science, research, statistics and computer science. In the base of these disciplines, it formed a way of information collection and processing, thereby forming complex system. in a society, which emphasizes in management science and information science, MIS is becoming more popular.
This graduation design is a small-scale management information system developed according to the characteristics of small-scale express, named Express Management System. After investigating the daily business of Exprees of this kind, it is figured out that the demand of this system is to implement the informationization of the daily business and automation of management. Besides, this system should solve the tedious problem of inputting information, quering thebill of  document and report forms Statistic.


  This system,in addition, offered a large amount of directives and warnings, it is quite convenient for user to work along with this system. It can reduce the possibility making mistakes too at the same time, and guarantee the exactness, integrality and consistency of the data. the information that and has offered a large amount of operation to brief on and make mistakes, helping users use a software greatly , reduced the possibility making mistakes too at the same time , have guaranteed the exactness , integrality and consistency of the data. This software system can makes the small-scale Exprees implement the informationization of management, reduce the labor cost, and enhance benefit of the Express to a certain extent.
Keywords: Management Information System; Decision support; Database development

目  录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
前言 3
1 快递管理系统概述 5
1.1 系统概述 5
1.2 开发平台简介 5
1.2.1 Delphi的基本形式 5
1.2.2 面向对象编程的概念 6
1.3 Delphi 7.0 基本知识 6
1.3.1 Delphi 7.0 简介 6
1.3.2 Delphi 7.0 的集成开发环境 7
1.4 Delphi 7.0的数据库开发特性 9
1.4.1 客户/服务器数据库模式 10
1.4.2 常用数据库组件介绍 10
1.5 SQL Server 2000简介 11
1.5.1 SQL Server 2000概述 11
1.5.2 SQL Server 2000 12
2 系统功能及需求分析 14
2.1 系统分析 14
2.1.1 业务流程 14
2.2 系统规划 15
2.2.1 系统处理范围 15
2.2.2 系统功能 15
2.2.3 系统结构图 15
3 总体设计 16
3.1 系统设计阶段 16
3.2 结构设计阶段 17
3.2.1 系统结构设计原则 17
3.2.2 系统模块结构设计 17
4 系统详细设计 19
4.1 数据库设计 19
4.1.1 创建数据库 19
4.1.2 创建数据表 19
4.2 主窗体设计 20
4.3 程序相关代码 21


4.4 主要功能模块设计 22
4.4.1 登陆模块设计 22
4.4.2 快件派送录入模块设计 24
4.4.3 派送统计模块设计 29
4.4.4 大客户运量统计模块 31
4.5 品名资料维护模块设计 34
4.6 TactionManager组件的应用 37
4.7 经验漫谈 39
4.7.1 问题分析 39
4.7.2 获取计算机名称 40
4.7.3 获取窗体上的组件信息 40
4.7.4 数据控制组件 41
4.7.5 设置多个TDBEdit组件的ReadOnly属性 41
4.7.6 报表打印出错 41
4.7.7 程序调试与出错处理 41
5 结束语 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46


    上一篇:培养计划制订辅助软件Delphi+SQL 下一篇:人事管理系统VB+Access