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2016-06-19 01:03



The Website Design and Realization of Beauty
Abstract: In China,with the more and more rapid development of information-oriented, internet, some cosmetology, enterprises are forced to establish a website to put up messages and therefore we set up this website to enable these enterprises to get the information and grasp business opportunities before others and finally become more competitive in the market. Through a comprehensive service system with integrated platform interface, integrated application and integrated management. These  enterprises are able to have an access on the website. Also, it reduces the cost for the enterprises to take part in real e-commerce. Therefore it establish as a multi-win e-commerce cooperation circle for cosmetology and owns whole competitive advantage.


This thesis introduces the basic content of cosmetology website,including 6 parts.
The 1st chapter of introduction, including development background, domestic and present situation offoreign research, paper organizational structure. The 2nd chapter system analysis, including development kit synopsis, feasibility analysis, related theory knowledge. The 3rd chapter introduction outline design, including system program flow chart, data stream chart, website host contact surface, system overall structural design and database establishment. The 4th chapter detailed design, including lands on the module, the merchant registration module, the merchant passes on the module, the message center module, the on-line diagnosis module, the forum module.The 5th chapter system test, including test environment, condition, result and test maintenance.The 6th chapter summary and forecast.

Keywords: JSP;Dreamwaver;SQL;Website

目  录 
1 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 组织结构 3
2 系统分析 4
2.1 开发工具简介 4
2.1.1 DREAMWAVER概述 4
2.1.2 数据库简介 6
2.1.3 JSP简介 9
2.2 可行性分析 11
2.3 相关理论知识 12
2.3.1系统环境设置 12
3 概要设计 16
3.1系统程序流程图 16
3.1.1 浏览网页模快简介 16
3.1.2 在线诊断功能 16
3.1.3 论坛交流 16
3.1.4 留言功能 17
3.1.5 商家的进驻及网上发布商品 17
3.2 数据流图 17
3.2.1用户数据流图 17
3.2.2 商家数据流图 18
3.3 网站主界面 18
3.4 系统总体结构设计 19
3.5 数据库中表的建立 22
4 详细设计 25
4.1 登录模快 25
4.1.1 用户登录过程 25
4.1.2 商家登录过程 25
4.1.3 商家登录数据流图 25
4.1.4 商家登录模块的窗体 26
4.1.5 该模块实现的部分主要原代码 27 (科教范文网http://fw.NSEAC.com编辑发布)
4.2 商家注册模块 28
4.2.1 商家注册的过程 28
4.2.2 商家注册页面数据流图 28
4.2.3商家注册页面图 29
4.3 商家上传模块 31
4.3.1 商家上传过程 31
4.3.2 商家上传页面 31
4.3.3 上传模块的代码 32
4.4 留言板模块 34
4.4.1 留言板的实现过程 34
4.4.2 留言板页面 34
4.4.3 留言板部分主要代码 35
4.5 在线诊断模块 36
4.5.1 在线诊断模块的实现过程 36
4.5.2 在线诊断页面 36
4.5.3 在线诊断页面主要代码 37
4.6 论坛模块 37
4.6.1 用户注册和登录模快 38
4.6.2论坛主界面 39
4.6.3 论坛主要代码 40
5 系统测试 42
5.1 测试环境及条件 42
5.2 测试结果 42
5.3 测试维护 42
6 展望与总结 44
参考文献 45
致  谢 46


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