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2016-07-01 01:03


将介绍如何使用ASP (Active Server Pages)技术进行编程来组建基于浏览器/服务器(B/S Browser/Server)模式的视频点播网站,使网站做到自动化管理。
本文组织如下: 第1章介绍了MIS系统以及本系统的开发环境。第2章介绍了开发该系统所用的工具以及语言说明。第3章介绍了系统需求分析,包括开发设计思想,系统运行环境,数据库的实现等。第4章介绍了系统的设计和实现,同时,对于关键的编码段进行了介绍。
Network gradually becomes a tool in people’s life and entertainment. A lot of departments begin to set up their own websites, and network entertainment begins to exhibit her unique advantage. She inevitably brings world-shaking changes to traditional entertainment methods. But because traditional entertainment staffs are short of network technique, a lot of departments only pour capital into hardware fitting, ignoring pouring into software and application.
The main work of this paper is introduce how to use ASP (Active Server Pages) programming a films site, which bases on B/S(Browser/Server) pattern.so the site can manage itself.
Therefore the site has several functions:Flims sharing on the net; Play the films on the line; Upload the films;.


This paper has been organized into four chapters. The first chapter of the paper presents some overview of OA(Office Automation).Chapter Two presents the summary of ASP and SQL Server 2000 that base on Windows NT system. Chapter Three present the analysis of the SMS system, including the construction design of system and DataBase, the character of the SMS system. Chapter Four presents the design and partial key codes of the system.
Keywords : SQL;ASP;films Share


    上一篇:杭州东忠网络招聘系统的设计和实现 下一篇:没有了