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WEB索引数据库的设计和实现VC++ +SQL

2016-07-16 01:04
导读:计算机应用论文论文,WEB索引数据库的设计和实现VC++ +SQL应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教论文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:毕业

摘 要
本文主要讲述1个Web搜索引擎系统的索引子系统模块的设计与实现过程。该模块是Web搜索引擎系统的1部分,主要是用于对网络搜索子系统采集到的网页信息经中文分词等技术处理后进行自动标引,建立Web索引数据库,以供用户通过检索子系统进行查询。该系统采用Visual C++ 6.0与Microsoft SQL Server 2000为主要的开发与管理工具,实现了索引子系统的中文分词、页面排序及索引库的建立功能,为Web搜索引擎系统前台检索提供服务。同时本文也介绍了目前主要的1些搜索引擎的实现技术与发展趋势。
关键词:索引子系统;Visual C++;SQL Server;中文分词;页面排序
Along with the swift and violent development of the Internet and the increasing of the Web information Searching the right information in the information sea looks as if looking for a needle in a haystack in the sea. How to search the information they need in a short time has become a question which people are more and more concerning. The search engine technology’s appearance brings a very good solution to this difficult problem.
This article mainly narrates the design and the realization process of a Web search engine system index subsystem module. This module is part of a Web search engine system. It mainly carries out the automatic index after the dealt of Chinese participle to the website information which the network searching subsystem gathers. The module establishes the Web index database, so the user can inquire the database via the searching subsystem. This system adopts the Visual C++ 6.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the main development and management tool. It has realized Chinese participle of the index subsystem, page sorting and the index storehouse establishment function. Simultaneously this article also mainly introduced some search engine realization technology and the trend of development at present.

Keywords: Index subsystem; Visual C++; SQL Server; Chinese participle; Page sorting


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